While you might not be able to think of any examples of jobs only women do, check out the swimming pool in Singapore. Search for the job title, Singapore Pools, on Google, and it is likely that it will tell you the requirements are that you will need to be female.
For over a century, women were in high demand in certain jobs within health care, and there are certain jobs that are meant just for women. While all jobs are open for women today, training realities and selection may hold numbers down in the battle roles. In any event, there are still some amazing jobs out there, and women are making huge gains at landing them.
Despite being more represented in those jobs, women are not making more money than their male peers at any job on this list. Despite being larger in numbers and more represented in 10 fields in which women are dominant, women are not yet exempt from gender wage gaps.
Despite their visibility within a field, women are still paid less, with mens HR managers taking home 23% more money than their female counterparts. Women make roughly 90% of what a typical male Social Work and Community Service Manager makes, which is significantly better than the 80 percent gender wage gap across all jobs nationally.
The number of women working in the occupation has increased about 9,500 since 2000, the largest overall increase among jobs on this list. In most jobs on this list, the number of women working in the occupation has grown more rapidly than the number of men. Since 2000, the number of women working as animal caretakers has more than doubled, and today, 71.4 percent of all workers in nonfarm animal caretakers are women, a larger share than in most jobs on this list.
More than half of all workers are women in all jobs on this list, and increases in the share of women working in those occupations have ranged from 6.4 to 25.1 percentage points. Over the past 16 years, the share of women working in these jobs has increased from 54.7% to 65.4%, among the largest increases in any job where more than half of workers are women.
Throughout the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, the gender gap has been closing steadily, and women now account for almost half the labor force. In the 1920s, over eight million women, or one in five, earned wages, usually as clerks, waitresses, teachers, and telephone operators, working under an attitude that women should not work outside the home if their husbands were employed, and that working women were taking jobs from men who needed them most. During World War II, women worked as nurses, repaired planes, drove trucks, and built ships in order to free men to fight.
Although many women succeeded at jobs traditionally held by men, such as in science, showing these beliefs surrounding gender roles were preposterous, it was some time before publishing, thought, and universities opened up to equal opportunity.
Women made a mark at many places, including in many of the dominant jobs of the modern world. Women stood shoulder-to-shoulder with all-male colleagues as they advanced their careers. Women are now taking their cooking chops and their know-how of making money into the beer industry in big ways.
It is fascinating to envision what the next decade holds for women, and consider which female-dominated occupations are going to be on that list in 2030. This blog has put together a list of the top 13 jobs for women, with brief discussions of each of the career paths.
If you are interested in exploring one of these female-dominated careers, be sure to get your resume in top shape before making the transition. While this will vary depending on the particular requirements of each woman, the best careers for women can be narrowed down to the following options.
By choosing one of the higher-paying fields, women can make sure that they are in the best possible situation to make the most money. This field offers some of the best jobs for women, as it allows women to utilize their creativity in productive ways. The media industry allows women to exert their creative freedom in a significant way, as well as an opportunity to be fulfilled by the work.
Guide students on a successful path and help them to navigate lifes journey, being a career counselor is highly fulfilling and is amongst the best jobs for women.
The rise in online education is sure to generate some of the best paying jobs for women in the future too. If you are going to become an online mentor in a great time, that is exactly what this is. Another factor which makes it the preferred profession is that their mommy nature can be added to their working hours. Slowly we may be seeing a growth in women educators, professionals of the teaching field, online tutors, home tutors, the many wide-ranging opportunities which may come out of this profession. Overall growth in jobs in secretarial and administrative assistant positions is not as promising as some other occupations in this list.
While over half the workforce in hospitality is made up of women, very few are reaching the manager level. Some dressing rooms jobs and janitorial jobs can also be a male-only position, as these jobs can require employees to work in dressing rooms and bathrooms that are restricted only for men. Bathroom-attendant jobs require workers to be the same sex as people who would be using the restroom.