After having completed a 단기알바 strong career and decades of service, many people are ready for retirement by the time they reach the mid-60s. If you are in your 50s or older, you might wonder just how viable it is for a midlife career transition, where you are closer to retirement than your high school years. If you are not exactly sure when is the right time to take the jump, or what kinds of second career ideas are the most viable for those who are interested in making a midlife career switch, here are a few ideas and tips to get started with making a transition.
Figuring out the best midlife career switch for you individually will depend on the skillsets that you already have. If you are looking to make a career switch, but do not have any college degrees or higher, that is OK–you have a lot of practical knowledge and experience that new college graduates do not.
When you are making the decision between a career that requires more education versus a career that can take advantage of your transferable skills, you might decide to go with the latter. Being able to use transferable skills that you learned in a past or current career may make your transition into your new career a lot smoother. These transferable skills will help get you a foot into the door for your new career, and can potentially compensate for the lack of direct experience compared with other professionals at your age.
Even if your new career seems dramatically different than your current one, there are bound to be some skills that you used that you will be using in your new line of work. The best way to look for a new career in your 40s is to think about all of the skills you are using at your current job that could transfer over into a different field. While you definitely want to pick a new career that you are excited about, and that also uses some of your prior experience and skills, there are certain fields of work that are better for older workers than others.
With retirements increasing in median age, many individuals over the age of 50 might still have 15, 20, even 30 years of working life left, and some people prefer to devote the rest of their working years to a new career. Many people choose to pursue new careers in or after their 50s that offer greater work-life balance, or careers that will help them minimize stress and have more time to pursue hobbies and personal interests.
Perhaps your current job does not offer a work-life balance that stresses the living part of the equation, but a new career might. Whether you are looking for better work-life balance, higher pay, or a position in management, changing careers may be exactly what you are looking for. Like many midcareer professionals, you might be faced with a choice: make more progress in your current role, or move on to a new role–or a whole new career.
The truth is that starting a new career or taking a very different path in work during your last few years is not only possible–it is more common than you might imagine. Sometimes, people who pursued high-earning, high-speed careers decide at middle age that they want to slow down and work on something more meaningful. This does not mean you have to keep up a full-time career while a grandparent, but there is no reason that you cannot do what you are passionate about simply because you are reaching a certain age.
If you are having a mid-career crisis and are on the fence about leaving your steady job for something new, look for ways to assume new responsibilities in your work, or take a part-time gig on the side to build up experience. Explore a variety of different career paths through shadowing, interning, side jobs, and volunteerism. Explore online learning programs and local resources that can give you the right work skills to make yourself more marketable to new employers, or that will help you take the leap to entrepreneurship so that you can work for yourself into retirement.
Look for ways to try your new career, like landing an (paid) adult internship, or even part-time or flexible employment, in the field of your newfound interest. By taking these steps, and developing your skills through networking with professionals, training on the job, extra schooling, and volunteering, you could be well on your way to your new career. Key Takeaways It is possible to switch careers by age 40, which allows you to capitalize on years of experience, but also to get into your new career just in time to have decades worth of tenure.
Assuming that you are planning on retiring at 67 years of age — the full retirement age for people born after 1959 — there is still plenty of time for you to save and grow into your new career.
Speaking of preparing, although you have about 25 years left of your career, you might not want to wait several years to start working at your new occupation. Even if you need to spend a couple years getting ready to pursue another profession, you will still have more than two decades left of your career to enjoy, provided everything goes according to plan. You probably will not make a single career move in this final phase of your career, counting on your reputation and strong position as a guarantee for a job.
People age 50 or older are in the unique position of having plenty of experience working in a job environment that they can take with them into their new career, but also being able to gain the knowledge necessary to tackle something new. While finding a new career or second career can be challenging, there are some fields that are wide open when it comes to careers for older women, and below, we have put together a list of some of the best jobs for women over the age of 50. Health care, along with jobs that emphasize personal relationships and what is known as soft skills, are careers for 50-year-olds in which women may be well-suited.
When changing careers, it is important to think about what kind of lifestyle you want to lead, and how changing careers would support that lifestyle. Now that you know which career path you would like to pursue, you should explore what education — or experience — you need to be qualified to take on the role. How relevant any of your experience is will actually depend on how different your new career is from the previous one–something to consider as you explore your options.